
As indicated in the following table, the School’s Bachelor Degree Program in Management includes three majors, each with its own specialization.

In addition to requisite courses, practice and secondary external courses outside the classroom are required and included in the bachelor degree program of the School of Accounting. The arrangements are as follows:

· For undergraduates majoring in Accounting (including national defense students), CPA-oriented, Financial Management (including national defense students) and Auditing, a minimum of 176 credits are needed for graduation, including 152 credits for courses, 20 credits for practice, and 4 credits for external courses.

· For undergraduates in Accounting (international-oriented) and Financial Management (international-oriented), a total of 148 credits are required for graduation, including124 credits for courses, 20 credits for practice, and 4 credits for external courses.

· For SWUFE-Baruch Accounting Joint Program, the “3+1” education model is adopted in the program, which means that a qualified undergraduate who fulfills the four-year curriculum will receive both degrees of SWUFE and Baruch. Students enrolled in the program are required to obtain 174 credits for graduation, including 150 credits for courses, 20 credits for practice, and 4 credits for external courses. To earn these credits, students must work hard and take a pro-active stance in their coursework, assignments, analysis reports, thesis, and seminars.