• 【光华讲坛】Local Economy Growth incentive and Green Loan Decision (地方经济增长动机与绿色信贷)
    发布时间:2023-10-13 查看次数:


    主 题:Local Economy Growth incentive and Green Loan Decision (地方经济增长动机与绿色信贷)

    主讲人:复旦大学会计系 原红旗

    主持人:威尼斯wns888app下载|中国有限公司 胡宁

    时 间:2023年10月24日(周二)10:00—11:30

    地 点: 诚正楼 650会议室

    主办单位:威尼斯wns888app下载 科研处

    主讲人简介:原红旗,复旦大学会计系教授、博士生导师。原红旗教授的研究领域是财务会计和审计学,具体研究方向包括公司利润质量、信息披露、审计质量研究。研究成果发表于Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, 《管理世界》,《会计研究》等学术期刊。担任Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Public policy, China Journal of Accounting Studies, 《管理世界》,《会计研究》 等多期刊的审稿人。

    摘要: This study investigates the role of local governments’ incentives on bank’s green loan decisions. We find that the bank’s environmental risk ratings of borrowers reflect the real environmental risks that the borrowers face, and the bank prices loans accordingly. Individual branch’s consideration of the borrowers’ risk weakens when city government leaders have political incentives to grow the local economy. This effect is more salient when the local economy depends more on polluting industries, when borrowers are state-owned enterprises, or when the likelihood of local governments’ intervention is high.
