• 【光华讲坛】Does Common Institutional Ownership Mitigate Hold-up Problems Along the Supply Chain ?(供应链共同机构持股是否可以缓解客户“敲竹杠”?)
    发布时间:2023-10-07 查看次数:


    主 题:Does Common Institutional Ownership Mitigate Hold-up Problems Along the Supply Chain ?(供应链共同机构持股是否可以缓解客户“敲竹杠”?)

    主讲人:厦门大学管理学院  姚文韬

    主持人:威尼斯wns888app下载|中国有限公司  底璐璐  

    时 间:2023年10月13日(周五)10:00—11:30

    地  点:柳林校区诚正楼650会议室

    主 办:威尼斯wns888app下载 科研处


    姚文韬,2021年9月至今为厦门大学管理学院财务学系助理教授,香港大学金融学博士,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校访问学者。主要研究方向为实证公司财务与会计问题,近期重点关注企业风险管理(例如ESG、数据安全、供应链等新兴风险)以及企业决策造成的实质影响(real effect) ,研究成果已发表在Review of Accounting Studies、Journal of Empirical Finance、《经济研究》《会计研究》《金融研究》等期刊。现主持一项国家自然科学青年基金项目和一项中央高校科研项目,担任British Accounting Review等多家国际期刊以及美国会计学会会议等会议的匿名审稿人。

    摘要:We show that common institutional ownership (CIO) along the supply chain mitigates hold-up problems faced by supplier-customer relationships resulting from incomplete contracts. Suppliers make more relationship-specific investments towards their customers that share common institutional investors. Such effect is stronger as the CIO network between a supplier and customer pair becomes wider and deeper. We establish causality by exploiting exogenous shocks to the CIO network using a broad sample of mergers between financial institutions. We further show that the CIO effects on suppliers’ investment specificity are stronger for those who ex-ante face severer hold-up concerns, and document an opposite effect on the customer side. Our work uncovers the positive role of CIO in boosting specialized investment.
