• 【光华论坛】Analysts' Management Access and Private Lending: Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls(分析师的管理层准入与私人贷款:来自电话会议的证据)
    发布时间:2023-05-30 查看次数:


    主题:Analysts' Management Access and Private Lending: Evidence from Earnings Conference Calls


    主讲人:香港科技大学威尼斯wns888app下载 李莘檑

    主持人:威尼斯wns888app下载|中国有限公司 王雨诗


    举办地点:威尼斯wns888app下载柳林校区 诚正楼841



    李博士的学术研究重点是公司治理、会计信息和债务契约之间的关系。她的研究已在The Accounting ReviewReview of Accounting Studies以及Contemporary Accounting Research等主流学术期刊上发表并被接受。李博士担任The Accounting ReviewContemporary Accounting ResearchJournal of Business Finance & Accounting的审稿人。她为本科阶段教授管理会计和数据分析。

    论文摘要:We investigate whether a firm provides preferential management access to its new-lender-affiliated analysts (i.e., analysts affiliated with the firms’ new lender) during earnings conference calls. We find robust evidence that firms let these analysts participate earlier in earnings conference calls before loan initiation than other analysts. This effect is more pronounced for less informed lenders and analysts, and firms with higher earnings informativeness. In addition, we document loans that benefit from such analysts’ management access have lower spreads, higher loan amounts, especially when lenders and analysts are in the same location and have better communication. Our results suggest that borrowers may reduce information asymmetry in non-relationship lending by providing management access to lender-affiliated analysts that facilitate new lenders’ private information acquisition.
